Contributors - Colleagues - Collaborators

Monday, December 27, 2010

Must Read!

From Chief Learning Officer Magazine. Questioning the Questioner
by Mike Prokopeak on December 21, 2010 · .

. . .Who will own enterprise collaboration? Formerly the province of high tech
companies, collaboration is raising its profile as more organizations realize
the power of networks for innovation and results. There’s even a name for this
new kind of organization: Enterprise 2.0.
As collaboration rises as an efficient and impactful way to allocate resources
and connect employees with internal and external partners to solve problems and
drive rapid response, who will own it? The IT department won’t step up. They’re
too busy worrying about bandwidth. Marketing and sales will only take charge of
it to the degree it connects them with external customers. Finance and
operations? Don’t think so. Will learning departments take hold of the reins and
lead enterprise collaboration to the future? Learning has always been a
collaboration between teachers and students, experts and apprentices. It may be
time for that definition to expand.


I think it makes sense that the learning organization take on building the Entrerprise 2.0 network. The learning organization is usually the only that understands how all the parts fit together as a whole. Who else is really privy to this big picture?

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