...in Stalinist Russia no one was safe, and literally anyone might expect the dreaded "knock on the door" after midnight by the secret police. One did not have to be "guilty" of anything, needless to say: everyone was a target for arrest and the gulag or worse. Stalin the Mass Murderer: How many victims? Posted by William D. RubinsteinStalin used spies to justify capturing and "disappearing" every intellectual who opposed him (or, rather, those whom he perceived as opposing him). What if we tweet something that can be used against us later? What if your joke is taken too literally? What if you oppose something popular or support an unpopular cause? The government, employers, creditors, and thieves all have an interest in what you are doing.
The lack of privacy depicted in 1984 is a world that I did not want to live in.
Winston is painfully aware of the telescreen, which is both a receiver and transmitter at the same time. It incessantly relays messages from the Party and simultaneously allows the dreaded “thought police” to tune into the activities of any individual at any given time...(Chapter 1, 1984, George Orwell).And yet, here we are, incessantly relaying our own movements and thoughts and allowing others to "follow" us.
Yesterday, some of us were talking about how Twitter was being used at sporting events in order to curb unruly fans. Someone bothering you? Tweet his seat number and watch how fast security shows up to lead him away.
You might think this is great - Yeah, remove those annoying people! Report them!
What about the impact on our culture with the loss of semi-innocent behaviors? Teenagers sneaking a drink or smoking in the boys room, concert goers lighting up some "herb" before the music starts -- will you report them?
I worry that the we have become have become the collective Big Brother.
Do we gain something by using Twitter? Certainly.
Do we lose something? Certainly.
Will I Tweet about this post today? Certainly.
OK, I will admit, I don't get twitter. If I actually took time to download and put on my iPhone, I might "get" it, use it. I am not motivated to do so.
We have become big brother...look at google...tracking our every search.
Kids cannot get away with anything anymore!!! But do we want them to? They are mean these days. They watch Family Guy and South Park in elementary school! They know how to harass really well.
I am very torn about technology. I am definitely a user but often cringe at the difference a google-search "me" us vs. The real thing. I say that, but I actually appear MORE successful in a google search. It's misrepresentation. I digress yet again. The thing that struck me most here is the idea that all people are narcs. Thought police. It IS sad that you can't get away with harmless, life enriching, illegal behavior. This is the very stuff of life. I cringe too that this post will end up in a google search. I want to comment, yet it leaves me exposed. I'm composing on an iPhone for chrissakes! Ah. Modern life is not for me. This is not my world.
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